Busy day today. Started with the store surveys for the I Buy Different student scavenger hunt I'm working on with SSF and as a board member of Sustainable Seattle. One interesting find was the Eliot shoe by Macbeth, a full on, very cool, Vegan shoe at Zumiez. Zumies actually has a really cool promo on with Tina Basich, co-founder of Boarding for Breast Cancer (B4BC). Awesome!
Next it was off to drop flyers for Heidi Wills, a candidate for re-election for Seattle City Council Member. I've always been really impressed with her commitment to sustainability, even over some of the other council members that were expected to be the sustainability gurus. Go Heidi!
Last but not least I tried out Annie's Organic Mac & Cheese for dinner tonight. Yum-eee.
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